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Studying in the UK: A Beginner’s Guide

Exceptional educational institutions, fascinating towns, exciting nightlife, and a warm welcome for students from around the world.

There are a plethora of more reasons than these that you might be interested in studying in the UK. Curious about the essay proofreading service that the University of Edinburgh offers to students whose first language is not English? Would you like to know more about the #WeAreInternational campaign at the University of Sheffield? Universities in the United Kingdom host a plethora of events aimed at luring overseas students. If you are interested in learning more about these and other aspects of studying abroad in the United Kingdom, you have found the ideal site. Here you may find more information about the undergraduate honours degree system in the UK, in case you require it.

Can I advance my career by attending university in the UK?

There are few better countries to study if you want to advance your career than the United Kingdom. There are a lot of international students studying there, which means you can meet people from all over the globe who could be interested in working for you after graduation. One positive aspect is that it is the site of several highly esteemed educational institutions. With 23 institutions in the top 150, the United Kingdom is second only to the United States in the Times Higher Education (THE) World Rankings. This means that the decision to study abroad in the country will appear great on a resume.

The careers centres at many UK universities provide students with information on how to break into specific industries and find work after graduation. Expert career counsellors will be the sources of this data; they may even have connections to employment opportunities all around the United Kingdom. Additionally, many schools provide career services tailored to overseas students, who can assist with matters such as visa applications and resume critiques.

Read this post for some pointers if you’re a graduate seeking employment in the UK.

Finding work after studying abroad shouldn’t be too difficult. An foreign graduate from a top British university will hear the expression “your reputation precedes you” more frequently than the average Brit. Your employers will have high expectations of you. Instead of taking it personally, use it as an opportunity to demonstrate your newfound abilities and a complement.

As a foreign graduate in Britain, you will undoubtedly face high expectations; are you prepared to the challenge? Of course you do after graduating from a prestigious UK university!

Which city in the United Kingdom is best for study?

The fact that there is no simple answer to this question shows that there are many stunning cities in the UK that overseas students can choose from when applying to universities. Many beautiful locations exist where you might study, from the picturesque seaside walkways of Exeter to the world-famous cobbled alleyways of Glasgow and everything in between. There is a city in the United Kingdom that will cater to your every need throughout your study abroad experience.

Sheffield is the greenest European city, Banksy was born in Bristol, which has become famous for its incredible graffiti art, and London is both the biggest and most diverse city in the world.

One of the best universities in the United Kingdom, Loughborough University, is only a short train ride away from London. There is a campus cat, lots of green space, and plenty of sports facilities at Loughborough University. Its status as University of the Year winner is hardly surprising.

Another city in the UK that is famous for its love of sports, especially football, is Portsmouth. The southern coast of England is a prime location for Portsmouth University, which is also close to other important UK cities like London and Brighton.

Sadly, our sister firm Whatuni’s Student Choice Award (WUSCA) for outstanding university city life was bestowed upon none of these magnificent cities. No, Edinburgh, Scotland, was bestowed that honour.

University of Edinburgh international student ambassador Paula Blanco Borner of Argentina says that everyone who has visited her in Edinburgh has fallen in love with the city as much as she has.

Everyone who came here thought this city was incredible. Students will never be bored thanks to the variety of sceneries, cultural events, and nightlife. We could spend all day at the National Museum, explore Arthur’s Seat on a bright day, or try one of Edinburgh’s thousand cafes. Also, even in the rain, studying isn’t as bad when you have these views from the library.

Those views must be just breathtaking, don’t you think?

“Edinburgh is also a very welcoming city,” Paula added, further confirming that the city is a great destination for international students. At the University of Edinburgh, you’re likely to meet someone from your home country among the more than 140 nationalities represented. This might alleviate some of the homesickness you might be experiencing if you’re studying abroad. On the other hand, the kindness of the locals in Edinburgh was something that stood out to me the moment I arrived.

And with that, I leave you! Students from all around the world are welcome in Edinburgh, making it an obvious favourite. But you’ll quickly discover that many UK locations welcome students from all corners of the globe. Finding the ideal city in the UK to study in will not be difficult if you take your time and do your homework.

Can you tell me what it’s like to stay in a UK student dorm?

Foreign students in the UK will experience the same infamously entertaining student housing as any other student in the UK. It’s understandable if the prospect of relocating to a new nation, starting a whole new academic programme, and making a lot of new friends in the span of a week seems overwhelming during Fresher’s Week.

Nevertheless, universities in the UK go to great lengths to ensure that international students have an easy adjustment. At the “activities fair” and “sports fair” hosted by most student unions, you can join various clubs and organisations. You shouldn’t be concerned about establishing friends at the lodging. If you aren’t feeling 100% within the first week, there are plenty of alternative chances for you.

Students frequently refer to their dorms as “halls,” and you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how easy it is to make friends there. The expression “don’t worry, everyone else will be in the same situation” has been said ad nauseam when discussing university, but we’ll say it again. You shouldn’t be worried, because when you arrive to college, you’ll find that everyone else is just as anxious to meet new friends as you are.

During their first year at university, the majority of international students remain in on-campus housing. Private rooms line one hallway, and the common areas (kitchen, living room, etc.) are shared. You can expect to share a corridor with anywhere from two to twelve other people. Though some of the available rooms do have common bathrooms and toilets, the majority of rooms have their own private bathroom with a shower, toilet and sink.

With one thousand dorm rooms and six hundred private dorms with ensuite bathrooms, Cardiff Met University, for instance, was one of the finalists for Best Student Community in the National Student Housing Survey. Similarly, students at Southampton University can choose from a variety of housing alternatives, including apartments in the city, on the outskirts, or near campus.

Your first year in the UK should be spent in university housing, but after that, you’re pretty much free to choose wherever you want to live. While most people prefer to live in dorms with a group of friends, you have the option to remain in the halls at a discounted rate and act as a mentor to first-year students. This entails making weekly rounds to the flat to see how the students are doing and offer assistance with anything they might be struggling with. Another option is to stay in privately managed student housing, like the ones at Unite.

Do you think I would be a good fit for a university sports team in the UK?

British university athletics are massive. There is a wide variety of opportunities to join a university sports team, whether you’re an experienced player seeking a challenge or a casual player seeking to have fun. Actually, encouraging more overseas students to participate in UK university sports is one goal of the #WeAreInternational initiative.

When it comes to utilising athletics as a means of assimilating overseas students into campus life, the University of Sheffield was an early adopter and creator of the #WeAreInternational campaign. Actually, 5,669 international students have shown up to their “social sport” sessions so far this year, where they may try out various sports and be active all across campus. International students can ease into university life and make friends with a shared passion for sports by participating in these sessions, which are typically organised by student sport representatives in their spare time.

According to Emily Roche, the University of Sheffield’s Sports Officer, the university’s sports clubs have thoroughly enjoyed supporting the #WeAreInternational initiative. One of the great things about the campaign’s early stages was that I didn’t feel compelled to actively encourage clubs to participate. They jumped at the chance to utilise it after hearing they could proactively communicate with members.

Joining a collegiate sports team is one of the best ways to immerse yourself in a new nation, and many people consider athletics as a common language. Team socials are held on a monthly basis and provide an excellent opportunity to meet new people while also getting to know the area with the help of more seasoned students.

Participating in a university sport is a fantastic opportunity to meet people from many walks of life and make friends that you would not have met if you stayed in the dorms alone, which can be especially helpful when you are far from home and studying abroad. University athletics have always made people feel at ease, introduced them to wonderful friends, and made them feel like they were part of a family, according to Emily.

Thanks to BUCS, or British University and College Sport, university athletics in the United Kingdom can reach a very competitive level. More than 150 schools take part in the competition, which covers 47 different sports. Whether it’s football or korfball, every university has a chance to win points that count towards their BUCS total. More than just bragging rights are at stake in some of the BUCS finals, which take place in some spectacular sites. For instance, Twickenham Stadium hosts the BUCS Rugby Championship finals.

Varsity matches are also a significant component of UK university athletics. Even though not every school holds a varsity tournament, the games that do tend to be the season-defining contests for the schools who do. The term “varsity” refers to the annual competition between two schools in the same city for the title of best athletic institution in that city. During varsity week, thousands of students flock to campus to witness various athletic events as their respective university teams compete for the coveted varsity point. As an example, the Sheffield Varsity Ice Hockey Final is contested annually at the Sheffield Arena in front of more than 7,000 spectators. Outside of North America, this is the largest crowd ever recorded for an ice hockey game.

It would be the cherry on top of your study abroad experience if you could win a varsity final in front of thousands of people. Even among your contemporaries, you would be difficult to forget.

What kinds of resources are accessible to overseas students at universities in the United Kingdom?

International students at UK universities have access to a wide variety of resources, including career counsellors, campus organisations, and athletic teams.

As an example, Paula mentions the University of Edinburgh’s International Student Centre, where students can meet other international students and participate in activities such as language exchanges and trips around Scotland. This can be especially helpful for those who are homesick. Students whose native language is not English have access to a proofreading service in addition to the many English language classes offered as part of the degree programme. In order to ensure that their essays are free of grammar errors, students have the option to submit them a few weeks before the due date.

Additionally, many colleges and institutions host events throughout the year just for overseas students. International students are invited to wave flags and wear traditional clothing in a march from the student union to the Peace Gardens in the city centre during the ‘World Week Parade,’ which concludes the October celebrations of World Week at the University of Sheffield.

International students at many UK institutions have access to advisory services that may help them with everything from opening a bank account and arranging healthcare to finding part-time jobs and much more. Ask any official on campus for advice; they should be able to guide you in the right direction. Alternatively, you can search online.

Well, I hope that was all the information you needed! Visit our study in the UK landing page if you feel the need for additional information.

Alternatively, begin looking for a study abroad programme in the United Kingdom as soon as you feel like you’ve heard enough and are prepared to enrol.